Almeja Fina Extra
  • Almeja Fina Extra
  • Almeja Fina Extra
  • Almeja Fina Extra

Large estuary velvet crab

Between 5 to 6 pieces per kilo. The Galician velvet crab is caught in our estuaries, generally with fishing creel. Its exquisite meat and unmistakable flavour make it a firm favourite of many. It’s available on our markets from July to December only, as it’s closed season for the first 6 months of the year.

Variable in size, they can occasionally weigh more than 250 g. The bigger the crab, the higher the value.

We can deliver them either cooked or alive. Keep in mind that when cooking their live weight decreases by around 15–20%.

  • Indicate how you would like us to send it to you
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0.5 Kg
0.5 Kg x 110.00€ / Kg = 55.00€

The estuary velvet crab (Necora puber), from Galician estuaries, lives on seabeds near the coast and can be found between rocks and stones close to rafts up to a depth of 70 metres. 

The velvet crab is a decapod of the crab family. Their shell is hexagonal in shape, dark brown in colour, and covered with velvet-like hairs. It has five pairs of legs and two claws, which are larger on males, with dark lines on the legs.

The estuary velvet crab, like most Galician shellfish, is usually boiled, which unlocks its intense flavours. They should be put in hot water if dead and cold water if alive. In both cases, the best way to boil them is in seawater with a small bay leaf, or failing that, in water with plenty of salt. Boil them for around 7 minutes, then remove and leave to cool.

Name: Estuary Velvet Crab (Necora puber)

FAO 3-alpha code: LIO

Catch or farming area: FAO-27

Sub-area: IX Galician and Portuguese waters

Production method: Captured

Fishing gear: Pots

Store between: 0-4ºC

IMPORTANT: The net quantity and expiry date of the product will be specified at the time of delivery.