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  • Almeja Fina Extra

Spiny lobster

120.00€ Kg
Tax included

Pieces of approx. 1.2 kg The most prized lobster on the market. Some can reach 40 to 50 centimetres in length and weigh more than 5 kg, although they normally weigh slightly more than a kilo. Its meat is very fine, consistent, white, low in fat, and has a delicious flavour.

If desired, we can deliver it cooked to its point of perfection. The perfect base for more elaborate recipes.

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0.8 Kg
0.8 Kg x 120.00€ / Kg = 96.00€

The spiny lobster (Palinurus elephas) inhabits rocky seabeds at shallow depths, hidden among the rocks. Its diet is complete and varied: crustaceans, molluscs, algae... which all add to its unique flavour.

The crustacean’s body is divided into two parts: the cephalothorax, or head, and the abdomen, or tail. The head is spiny and has very long antennae. The face is small, with two protruding eyes protected by two spiny projections. Its body is protected by a browny orange spiny shell. However, its colour varies depending on the type of spiny lobster in question, and many varieties exist. The most prized is the red spiny lobster. Some can reach 40 to 50 centimetres in length and weigh more than 5 kg, although they normally weigh slightly more than a kilo. 

Spiny lobster is a rich source of protein and vitamins especially vitamin E (an antioxidant vitamin), and its mineral content is made up of calcium, zinc, potassium and selenium. It’s the perfect food to prevent osteoporosis and improve cardiovascular health.

Spiny lobster meat is very fine, consistent, white, delicate and delicious. As a result, the best way to prepare it is by boiling the lobster for twenty-five minutes in seawater (or failing that, in water with plenty of salt added). It should then be split open in half and it’s ready to serve.

However, this prized crustacean can also be used in other more elaborate recipes, such as lobster salpicón. For this, four eggs should be boiled and chopped. Next, the already-cooked lobster should be shredded, with pepper, onion, oil and a little vinegar also added to the mixture.

Name: Spiny Lobster (Palinurus Elephas)

FAO 3-alpha code: SLO

Catch or farming area: FAO-27

Sub-area: To be specified at time of delivery

Method of production: Captured

Fishing gear: gillnets

Store between: 0-4°C

IMPORTANT: The net quantity and expiry date of the product shall be specified at the time of delivery.