Galician spider crab in its natural state
Crab from the estuary in its natural state is one of the most popular recipes in Galician gastronomy. All you have to do is cook the spider crab and it will be ready, although you can also serve it with a few drops of lemon, olive oil or Albariño.
- 1 cooked Galician spider crab
- ½ lemon
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Albariño
Separate the legs from the body by twisting the legs a little.
Remove the belly from the crab's body (it comes out on its own). This is the triangular part that differentiates males from females. Separate the body from the shell. If it is very large, hollow it out with a knife until it comes off. Start removing the meat from the crab body, leaving the shell with the liquid inside for last.
Remove the gills, the soft, gelatinous parts on the sides of the body, then cut the body in half. Using a small spoon and fork, scoop out the meat from the larger holes. Remove the meat from the small ones by hand. Split the carcass in half again until all the meat between the cartilages of the crab is removed. Put all the meat on a plate.
Now clean the inside of the shell and remove the inedible parts. It is easy to see which parts should not be eaten. Also remove a rim from the inside of the shell that surrounds the entire shell. It remains to separate a thick part that is at the level of the eyes, the tongue, to leave the shell completely clear. This part must be hit with a mallet to remove it. Clean all the meat and, together with the broth and the roe (coral-coloured), pour it into the meat dish to leave the shell completely empty.
Three processing options:
Natural: mix the meat from the body and the head and put it back in the shell.
Plain with olive oil and lemon: mix the meat and add a good splash of extra virgin olive oil and the juice of half a lemon.
Natural with Albariño: Complete the natural option with a few drops of Albariño, or option 2 by adding olive oil, lemon and Albariño.