Scallops au Gratin
Scallops au gratin, try one of the most popular recipes of Galician gastronomy for any festivity.
- 4 scallops in full shell, frozen, cleaned and gutted
- 1 leek
- ½ onion
- Diced Iberian ham
- 3 spoonfuls of tomato sauce
- 8 tablespoons of breadcrumbs
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Salt
- Ground black pepper
Slice the leek and finely chop the onion. Fry the onion with a drizzle of olive oil and then add the leek and let it fry. Season with salt and pepper and add the tomato sauce. Stir well until it is well integrated and the sauce is consistent.
In the scallop shells, add some diced Iberian ham (very little, as it can mask the flavour of the scallops) and cover with the sauce. Finally, add the breadcrumbs on top to gratinise.
Bake the scallops in a preheated oven at 200ºC for 25 minutes, until the breadcrumbs are golden brown. Remove from the oven and add chopped parsley and a sprig of parsley to each scallop.
Serve on a plate with the top of the scallop as a base and the gratin shell on top, it looks very elegant.
PS. Keep the shells and lids as they can be used for other dishes.