Vierias con camarones con salsa de txacoli

Scallops with prawns and txakoli sauce


- Scallops, 8 units.

- Medium prawns, 8 units.

- Mushroom cream.

- Txakoli sauce.

- Olive oil.

- Lasagne pasta (4 sheets).

- Parsley (1 sprig).

- Salt.

- Ground white pepper.



Cook the pasta in salted water, drain and cool in cold water, then cut into squares and discs with a pasta cutter. Place on the plate over some mushroom cream, add the rest of the mushroom cream on top of the pasta. Heat the txakoli sauce and add chopped parsley. Brush the scallops and prawns with oil, roast in a pan, season with salt and pepper, place on the mushroom cream, and then drizzle with the txakoli sauce.


Instructions - Mushroom Cream


- Butter (30 g)

- Olive oil (10 ml + 20 ml)

- Shallot, 1 unit.

- Flour (30 g)

- Cream (300 ml)

- Mini mushrooms (200 g)

- Salt

Heat the butter and 10 ml of oil, add the chopped shallots, cook without letting it colour, add the flour, cook for a minute, add the cream, cook for a few minutes more, season with salt, then strain. Heat the rest of the oil and sauté the cleaned mushrooms, cook, then add to the cream from before.

Instructions - Txakoli Sauce


- Butter (20 g)

- Shallot, 1 unit.

- Txakoli wine (150 ml)

- Flour (10 g)

- Water (300 ml)

- Salt

Heat the butter, add the chopped shallot, cook without letting it colour, add the wine, reduce by half, add the flour, cook for a minute and then add a little water, cook for a few minutes, season with salt, then strain.