  • Sardines
  • Sardines
  • Sardines


€12.50 Kg
Tax included

10-14 pieces per kilo

The best sardines are caught off the Galician coast. One of the most traditional foods enjoyed on the magical Noche de San Juan. It’s fished mainly during the summer months, when it has the greatest amount of fat, making it exquisite when grilled.

A unique, oily fish, it feeds on plankton from a variety of locations, including the Cantabrian Sea. It’s also incredibly popular at food festivals. The best time to enjoy them is in the summer, starting in May, although they can be found in markets throughout most of the year.

It’s the perfect fish for a wide variety of culinary preparations, depending on its size. Please let us know how you’d like it delivered: whole or clean?

Selecciona Quantity
1 Kg
1 Kg x €12.50 / Kg = €12.50

The European sardine or common sardine (Sardina pilchardus) is part of the clupeidae family, and it has a wide natural distribution, making significant migrations from the sea to the coast and vice versa, depending on the seasons and water temperatures. In spring, it moves closer to the coastal and shallower areas, and when the cold waters arrive, it moves away. It feeds on plankton, which it filters through its gill rakers, especially the first gill arch.

It has an elongated body that’s not too compressed. The head is prominent, with a wide mouth, short and high dorsal fin, low anal fin, and a notched caudal. The back is brownish-green, and along the flanks it has a bluish band. The belly is silvery white, and the fins are colourless, except for the dorsal, which is slightly darker.

Sardines are an oily fish rich in omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which help reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Nutritionally, it provides a number of minerals (phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc) and fat-soluble vitamins: A, D and E.

In addition to its tinned preparation, fresh sardine lends itself to a wide variety of culinary preparations, largely dependent on its size. Larger sardines tend to be grilled or barbecued. Smaller sardines, “xoubas”, are traditionally used as a filling for empanadas in Galicia.